Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Roissy: A Ephemeral Detination of Passion and Pleasure

Let me introduce you the passions and pleasure of Roissy. Roissy is a BDSM community, with an emphasis on community. The people in our community are not ones you meet, speak to perhaps several times and then delete from your list of friends. Roissy people know and care about one another. They work togther as a community of tolerance and acceptance. While (IC)BDSM roleplay is a prominent part of our community, most specifically in the Chateau Library, OCC informal discussions about the various views of the BDSM lifestyle are frequent topics of discussions primarily in the Moulin.

The Roissy sim is loosely based on The STORYof O. The STORY OF O is based on the hugely successful S&M novel that has been read by millions of people worldwide. The author Pauline Reage tells the story of a beautiful young woman known only as 'O' who is taken by her boyfriend Rene to a chateau just outside Paris. There 'O' is trained in bondage and sexual perversion. 'O' is deeply in love with Rene and in order to prove her love she allows herself to be subjected to all kinds of degradation and abuse. Finally, Rene discharges a personal debt by transferring possession of 'O' to his stepbrother, Sir Stephen.which follows the journey of O through her initiation and acceptance of the BDDM lifestyle. The Story of O is a passionate story of submission written for a mature audience.

In the film which was produced in 1975, the director explores the cruel world in which 'O' finds herself. A world of sado-masochism and kinky and bizarre sexual practices. The building are designed to follow the castle where O received her initiation.

This is a mature area for adults only. This is NOT a free sex sim!

This is NOT a formal roleplay sim, i.e. roleplay is NOT mandatory here.However, Le Chateau de Roissy, is created specifically for those who have an appreciation for The Story of O, and a desire to roleplay the theme! Roissy is a sim for people who want to follow the path directed by their passions and pleasures. It is the place where you can follow your desires as long as those desires do not hurt others and as long as those desires conform to the stated rules of the sim.

Within the Chateau where IC (In Character) role play is practiced and respected Mistresses and Masters maintain their dominance over the Sisters of O and the Brothers of O. The Sisters and the Brothers earn their positions through a series of interviews before securing their honored titles and sacred position of service within the Sisterhood and the Broterhood. These submissives are honored and served as the sacred core of Roissy. They are never to be abused or humiliated without their expressed consent. The Sisters and Brothers of O are cared for by specially designated valets.

Like O, the Sisters and the Brothers of O service the needs of the Master and Mistresses who have themselves earned their positions through an interview process to make themselve worthy of their honored titles. Is is their honor to use the services of the Sisters of O and the Brothers of O keeping in mind the dignity of the Sisters and Brothers who dedicate themselves to the service of others.

VIP's are honored guests and are treated with respect and dignity. After careful obervation and soul-serching, a VIP may but is not required to complete an application and complete the interview process to become an honored Master or Mistress of O, A Sister or Brother of O, or a Valet. A VIP Guest may not require the services of a Sister or a Brother. However, a VIP may observe and take part in the frequent discussions that are common both in the Chateau which is designated as an IC area and the Moulin which is designated as an OCC area.

There are rules which must be observed in both areas. No ridicule, sexism, harassment, racism or violence towards another member or guest at Roissy will be tolerated!Reports of any such behaviour will be investigated and may instigate an immediate and permanent ban.

> This is NOT a free sex sim.
> Roissy hard limits ~ NO ageplay, NO bathroom play, NO snuff/dolcett.
> Nudity is NOT permitted in most areas of the sim. However, ladies may be topless in any area of the sim, as that conforms to The Story of O theme. Full nudity IS permitted in Le Chateau de Roissy and private homes only.

> This is a NO Combat sim, that means NO weapons can be used (but can be "worn" as accessories), NO mafia, NO gangs etc.
> This is an "adults only" area, NO child avatars!
> NO Vehicles are permitted.
> NO shouting of offensive or sexual content is permitted.
> NO private selling or advertising of any kind including escorting is permitted.
> Spamming group channels may incur a ban from sim.
> Le Chateau is a designated, IC (in character) roleplay area. Please ensure you read “Introducing Le Chateau de Roissy” before entering.
All of the public areas of Roissy are yours to enjoy, but please respect the privacy of the homes here. If they don't have a sign up that says "Come on in!" assume they are not wanting you to wander through without an invite. In other words, any areas, buildings or rooms with 'locked' gates/doors, you can safely assume are private and not public areas. SO STAY OUT!!
We ban anyone seen to be violating these rules or being disrespectful to the rights of others, including privacy and decency.

Please feel free to look around.

HOMES & LAND FOR RENT======================A choice of either pre-built homes in theme with the sim, or land parcels and mini islands to build your own home!IM Megan Fabre for details.
JOIN OUR GROUP==============Please join our main group for news, information and events at Roissy!Use the search facility and search for our group "Roissy - The Story of O" then just click the JOIN button!!
Whilst anyone may join our group and enter our sim, we will continue to strive for high standards at Roissy. These standards, in part, have been set by our existing members, who possess certain levels of maturity, understanding, manners and decency. Should the owners feel any member does not meet these standards, it may be prudent to ban without warning!!
GRIEFERS========GRIEFERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE BANNED INSTANTLY!!Should any of our members witness griefers on sim, please IM : Minh Ahn, Marian Wildcat, or Elizabeth Weinberg. If none of these people are online, please notecard the incident, including the full name of the griefer and drop into Minh Ahn's inventory.
Everything you need to know about Roissy, is in this notecard. However, should you have a question, that is not answered here, please refer to the sim owners.
The Owners reserve the right to change these rules, if/when need arises.
Sim OwnersMegan Fabre & Marian Wildcat7th April 2008

1 comment:

  1. I would very much appreciate an altering of the above wording. If, and many share this view, denial within oneself of D/s or other aspects of BDSM is the true perversion of an inherently natural state of being, why must we continue to cast O's journey as perversion? Did she not awaken and blossom?

    To say, effectively, to everyone who reads the freely disseminated notecards "we are perverts, just like every other BDSM-themed place in SL" is counter-productive at the very least. I believe the message sent is diametrically opposite to what we actually think and feel. As such we do a disservice to Roissy / Blackthorne in particular, the wider SL and RL BDSM communities but worst of all to ourselves. I am not ashamed of being whatever it is that I am, and, joking aside, I prefer not to be called a pervert by the very informational / promotional materials handed out to visitors.

    This is not a back alley in a seedy part of town. Le Chateau is a beautiful, warm and welcoming place, la Palais is magnificent. They and the rest of the places in Roissy are celebrations, not perversions and I for one would like to see that dropped.
