Sunday, April 19, 2009

Combining Roissy and Blackthorne Blogs

Just trying to streamline things a bit. Given that Roissy and Blackthorne communities are growing closer in many ways it makes more sense to have them together!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The following poem was written by our newest member of the RoissyBlackthorn Poetry Association:
-Kimberly Leistone


Black and white Polaroid happiness,
I'll bring out your crinkled noses.
Karaoke blasting to off beat tunes, singing out loud.
Nevermind the booing crowd.
This song's dedicated to you, kid.

Slither your eyes down these curves of mine,
I'll thrust you into oblivion.
With a smirk on my face, twirl me with this hypnotic trance, you set the pace.
There's glitter to this back and forth, our torque, you suspend me mid-way
Then dip me. With the rose and the thorns clenched, barely, through your teeth.

My hands dwarfed by your large knuckles, you giant.
We'll chuckle as you reason to hide it.
Exchanging foreign banter with my absolutely questionable witto be this expressive, explosive, intensive, intrusive.
Bundles of phrases tumbling out allowing room to be vocally abusivebut of course in this stark innocence, you know I wouldn't mean it.

Twirling to some oldies song, our make believe romance
I'll blur the hem of my dress, making the most ofthis danceReal tight, synchronized, rhythmic, like the tinkle of my jewelsto the swish of your pants.
-Kimberly Leistone

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Have You Considered a BDSM Spirituality Workship? Perhaps You Should!

Miss Zena Zemlja routinely offers workshops on BDSM spirituality. I never considered the spiritual nature of BDSM until Miss Zena raised the issue. I dismissed spirituality as being part of the BDSM even though in retrospect I cannot conceive of my submissive role in anything but spiritual terms after my learning experience in the workshop.

Miss Zena helped me to understand how my physical needs were directly connected to my spiritual needs. The mind and the body are one as the dom/dommes is connected to his/her submissive. The mind and the body seeks balance and harmony as does the perfectly paired dom/dommes seeks a complementary balance through a mutual exchange of power.
Miss Zena taught me to see the gift of my submission as an exchange for the guidance and direction my Mistress affords me. My Mistress balances me as I offer her my complete submission. Our union is one that is physical but most importantly very spiritual. My submission offers me the peace and pleasure that my Mistress provides and in turn I offer her the gift of my love and my obedience. I see nothing preverse in such a complementary exchange of love, body, and spirit.

I would not understand and appreciate the pleasures I derive from my submission without Miss Zena's caring instruction and guidance. Her workshops are not simply lectures. They are discussions and open exchanges of ideas. Miss Zena is a skilled and knowlegeable Mistress who understands the people of Roissy, Blackthorne and beyond. She skillfully guides the thoughtful exchange of ideas without overpowering or silencing the different voices in the audience.
The opportunity to voice the feelings and emotions associated with the BDSM lifestyle is the prize one receives in return for the time spent with Miss Zena. I found the conversations liberating. I found myself validating the legitimacy of my submissive feelings, feelings I must restrain and secret away in the real world. I left Miss Zena's workshop with a renewed commitment to my Mistress and my value as a submissive.

Miss Zena's workship is informal and pleasant. The atmosphere Miss Zena creates is congenial and friendly. If you have not attended Miss Zena's BDSM Body, Spirit, and Mind workshop then I would argue that you probably are missing the best and finest part of your relationship with your mate. I give Miss Zena's BDSM Body, Mind, and Spirit workship five stars.
elizabeth weinberg

Friday, January 30, 2009

Erotic Poetry Slam was a Huge Success!!!

Well, after lots of planning, lots of group notices and I am sure, lots of broken pencils, we pulled off our first Erotic Poetry Slam! We had about 8 entrants, all with great poems. We started off the event with words from me and they even let me recite my own little poem. Yes they even politely clapped.

Disaster Krogstad was our MC and did a great job. A gentleman who kept the focus where it should be, on the poems! Our poems were divided into two categories, voice performance and chat performance. There was a winner in each category, plus an over all winner. A shy poets had their poems read by surrogates, which was fine.

Thank you everyone who submitted, and or organizers, Disaster, Koshka, Zebulon2 AND of course Zena for supplying the great prizes!

The winners were (with their poems - make sure and read to end for grand prize winner!)

2nd Place: Elizabeth Spieler

Bright Morning Stars

From the beginning of time
Our lights must have been together
Hidden in the secret place

We enter this secret place paired
Two complete circles joining together
Our two lights merge into one

A force more powerful than all the stars in the sky
Embracing the sensations we share
Created to fit like a glove since creation

Your ardent gaze fills me with love
Angels sing for us like the sound of rushing water
Like a symphony our bodies react in harmony

We fill the air with our love song
Feeling that passion flame burning
Everything will grow in our energy

We were created for each other
Your body was designed by the best of artists
Light and darkness merged into one

1st Place Voice: Randi Grigorovich











2nd place chat: Koshka Plisskin

Darkness Falls
Koshka Plisskin

Lay still He says, do not move.
Yes, my Master is the reply
Satin brushes over thick lashes
Darkness falls.

Arms pushed over head
bound and tied to the bed
Heart races, skin quivers, alive
excitement falls.

Squirming, moaning, lips quiver slightly
chest rising, fingers curling lightly
unknown sensations await
hunger falls.

The sound of leather tapping
the smell of lust thick in the air
His hand tight entwined in long flowing hair
Desire falls.

Pleads, whimpers, groans and purrs
He gives, you take so hungrily, pitifully
begging, panting, yearnings strong
shame falls.

Flesh burning, sex as well
He pushes you further, quicker
head racing, sinking deeper still
insecurity falls.

The word is spoken, the flood released
Screams, cries, utter release
tugging, pulling, control always His
Quiet falls.

Breath slows, coos spill from parched lips
His hand is gentle, your devotion strong
exposed, tiny, vulnerable and small
He gives back the light
The Darkness falls.

1st place chat AND OVER ALL WINNER

Softly glistening light streams in,
refracted off mirror of room we're in.
A cold shock as I walk to loo,
A reminder, comfy sleep with you.

Dream fragments on the bathroom floor,
Of knocking at a wooden door,
Alone above the wide sea,
bedraggled cold me.

Luscious curve, exotic fruit!
I rub my hands to warm the loot,
Flop on the bed prepared to go,
You turn your shoulder and say "NO!"

Caught! Doubt, Desire, Despair,
A morning rapist,with tussled hair.

Escapes a giggle, you twist a pose,
Deep kiss, entwine, our feeling grows.
The dream remembered, I doubt no more,
The door was opened, I swim for shore.

kuel Tardis '09

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interview with Miss Di and Sister Anita Blackadder Concerning Initiation Ceremony

Interview with Mistress Di Milev, Mentor to the Sisters of Oand Anita Blackadder, Newly Initatied Sister of ORegarding Initiation Ceremony of January 28th
Elizabeth Weinberg: Let me begin with Miss Di Elizabeth Weinberg: Miss Di what is the purpose of the honored tradition of initiation for new Sisters of O?
Di Milev: Several goals 1) To thank the sisters of O for what they do for the community. 2) To promote RP in the castle. 3) To give the Masters and Mistresses some possibilities for future RP.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Excellent answer.
Elizabeth Weinberg: How do you think RP could improve in the library? Di Milev: I also hope that we can step by step make this ceremony a tradition. Initiate, following the interview process, will first become probate sisters and then after the initiation ititiate will commit herself totally to the Sisterhood. Before she is a probate sister and aftwards a senior sister.
Di Milev: Just by example, this time we had a Roleplay and we had observers. We are not perfect, evryone has his own style, but we learn from each other.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Yes, I see. Elizabeth Weinberg: How important is RP in preserving the traditions of Roissy?
Di Milev: It is the goal and existance of Roisy. Without this Roissy would be a pure community gatering.
Di Milev: a club, talking club. Now with RP we have that little plus. Elizabeth Weinberg: The tradition of RP is the cornerstone of the purpose of Roissy. Is that true?
Di Milev: Yes without RP Roissy is not more or not less then other Sims.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Do you think the Initiation cermoney was a success? Did it accomplish what you wanted?
Di Milev: The number of vistors on the sim showed that there was a huge interest for this RP.
Di Milev: We had 49 people on the sim, but the sim server held it.
Elizabeth Weinberg: That is extraordinary.
Di Milev: yes it is i was afraid that we would have a sim crash.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Can you briefly describe the process of initiation.
Di Milev: There are several steps, following the first day of O in the story.
Elizabeth Weinberg nods.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Can you explain these steps for people who do not know.
Di Milev: O (the new sister) is brought to the castle, cared for in the bathroom by two senior sisters. She is naked and dressed with a cloak and brought to the Library, whare she is whipped by several dom's. Then her Master / Mistress is asked to confirm that she may act as Sister of O. The sisters is asked to promise to serve Masters and Mistresses as good as she can. She receivers her sister tag and her Sister ring and receives the congratulations of the community.
Elizabeth Weinberg: This honored tradition does seem to bring the community together to honor the tradition of O.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Anita, B, tell me about your experience and your feelings about yesterday's initiation
anita Blackadder: for me was it a closing of the interview process.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Explain your feelings at being the focus of the community's attention.
anita Blackadder: My feelings for yesterday, it feels for me as wedding.
anita Blackadder: my feelings are that this is a good way is for the communty.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Yes I thought it was as a formal way to join you to the commuunity.
anita Blackadder: Yes for me well
Elizabeth Weinberg: Was this experience as intense for you as it was for O?
anita Blackadder: Yes, that was it for sure....
anita Blackadder: It was so as I see the story.
anita Blackadder: And it was a good feeling for me to...
Elizabeth Weinberg: There was a public whipping involved. Why were you willing to accept that beating before so many others?
anita Blackadder: i was frightened and nervous and sure I was proud of it ..
anita Blackadder: and a feeling of belonging to it.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Tell me about your new ring?
anita Blackadder: The ring makes me more proud to be a sister.
Elizabeth Weinberg: The ring provides Masters and Mistresses with what information?
anita Blackadder: yes when she touches it then the Master or Mistress receives a notecard from my ring about my information.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Does the note explain your limits?
anita Blackadder: yes that explains my limits...
Di Milev: Yes beth the note is made in such a way that the sister can give up her personal limits, her likes and her dislikes.
Elizabeth Weinberg nods
Di Milev: In the future all the sisters will get such a ring.
Elizabeth Weinberg: B How has this experience changed you?
anita Blackadder: the experiences has changed me a lot. It makes me feel more of story..the story I so love.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Miss Di as you know I am a Sister of O although my Mistress limits my service.
Elizabeth Weinberg: I never went through the initiation ceremony and now I feel like I am not truly a Sister. Should all Sisters go through this process?
Di Milev: yes if they want, we will organize it for them.
Di Milev: It will become their right. Elizabeth Weinberg: I would feel honored to go through this process to be in the ranks of Sisters like B, Anita.
Di Milev: Later it will, it will become an obligation before their initiation, they will stay probate sister or sister in training or whatever.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Can other sisters like me come forward now and participate?
Di Milev: yes Beth. Yes in 15 days there will be a next ceremony. We will do it again 3 sisters. It will conitnue every 2 weeks.
Elizabeth Weinberg: I would like to be included Miss Di.
Di Milev: yes once a month we will also have a pit play.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Please explain pit play.
Di Milev: this is according to the chaper where O is chained blindfolded in the pit for 5 days and whipped by Masters without knowing who did it.
Elizabeth Weinberg: That sounds exciting and will certainly attract interest in RP.
Di Milev: O will be replaced by her Sisters who each will do an hour. And with 12 sisters or 12 blocks we will play part of that chapter.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Thankyou so much for your work in the community Miss Di
Elizabeth Weinberg: And B, Anita,thank you for your service
anita Blackadder: you are welcome beth.
Di Milev: the first pit play will be in February.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Iwill be thereto cover that event.
Elizabeth Weinberg: Thanks[3:20] anita Blackadder: and looks all out for next session...

Initiation of Probate Sister to the Sisterhood

The event was one for all to remember. Three Sisters of O participated in an Initiation Ceremony that celebrated the tradition of O. At one point 49 of Roissy Royalty, Sisters and Brothers of O, and honored visitors and guests were present to witness this sacred ceremony. Participants held their breaths, hoping the Chateau could accommodate so many, but the ceremony progressed with few incidents.

The participants began their initiation journey in the Moulin. Master SirDragon Dreamscaape led Allure Ansar, the initiate, to the ceremony. Mistress Rosmary Cuttita brought forth Anita Blackadder,and the initiate Elvar Eldrich proceeded to the Chateau.

At the Chateau they were met by Sister Saucey Sinister and Sister Elizabeth Weinberg where the three probate sisters were bathed and carefully prepared for the ceremony. Leona Lynch serving as Valet presented each sister in turn to the audience where their initiation began.

Covered only with a black cloak, Allure stepped forward after her preparation. Allure accepted her role as a Sister in the tradition of O: Service to the Masters and Mistresses of Roissy.

Allure presented her body for the use of others and was whipped in the presence of the group. Allure accepted her beating with grace and courage as did the Sisters who followed her: Anita Blackadder and Elvar Eldrich.

All three Sister proved worthy of their tag as a Sister of O. Our Roissy community should accept them with price into our gracious family.

Each Sister received a special ring designed specially for the Sisters of O. Cat Velinov designed these rings that contain information about the Sister that may be helpful to Masters and Mistresses who engage the Sister in RP.

Cat Velinov has created special rings for Initiated Sisters. The ring will serve as a sign of each Sister's committment to the community and to the service of O. By this ring Masters, Mistresses, Sisters, Brothers, and Valets can recognize that the Sister is part of the Sisterhood of Roissy. The Ring is presented to each Sister only as she is initiated.

Mistress Di Milev serving as mentor to the Sisters of O presented and organizedthe event. Miss Di indicates another Initiation ceremony will be held witin the next month where three more initiates will take the oath of service to thecommunity.

The Sister of O Initialtion Ceremony January 28th

The event was one for all to remember. Three Sisters of O participated in an Initiation Ceremony that celebrated the tradition of O. At one point 49 of Roissy Royalty, Sisters and Brothers of O, and honored visitors and guests were present to witness this sacred ceremony. Participants held their breaths, hoping the Chateau could accommodate so many, but the ceremony progressed with few incidents.

The participants began their initiation journey in the Moulin. Master SirDragon Dreamscaape led Allure Ansar, the initiate, to the ceremony. Mistress Rosmary Cuttita brought forth Anita Blackadder,and the initiate Elvar Eldrich proceeded to the Chateau.

At the Chateau they were met by Sister Saucey Sinister and Sister Elizabeth Weinberg where the three probate sisters were bathed and carefully prepared for the ceremony. Leona Lynch serving as Valet presented each sister in turn to the audience where their initiation began.

Covered only with a black cloak, Allure stepped forward after her preparation. Allure accepted her role as a Sister in the tradition of O: Service to the Masters and Mistresses of Roissy.
Allure presented her body for the use of others and was whipped in the presence of the group.

Allure accepted her beating with grace and courage as did the Sisters who followed her: Anita Blackadder and Elvar Eldrich. All three Sister proved worthy of their tag as a Sister of O. Our Roissy community should accept them with price into our gracious family.

Each Sister received a special ring designed specially for the Sisters of O. Cat Velinov designed these rings that contain information about the Sister that may be helpful to Masters and Mistresses who engage the Sister in RP.

Cat Velinov has created special rings for Initiated Sisters. The ring will serve as a sign of each Sister's committment to the community and to the service of O. By this ring Masters, Mistresses, Sisters, Brothers, and Valets can recognize that the Sister is part of the Sisterhood of Roissy. The Ring is presented to each Sister only as she is initiated.

Mistress Di Milev serving as mentor to the Sisters of O presented and organizedthe event. Miss Di indicates another Initiation ceremony will be held witin the next month where three more initiates will take the oath of service to thecommunity.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life Outside Le Chateau de Roissy

One of the questions and moans I receive frequently from members of the Roissy Community is, "Why is nudity not permitted outside Le Chateau in the Roissy Sim (Roissy 1)?". Many see this as completely rediculous, and constantly ask for the rule to be changed. This request has been denied since the birth of the sims right to this day for 2 very specific reasons:

1: Do we really wish to turn Roissy into a 'free sex' style sim? I doubt it. Free sex sims ar two a penny in SL, and usually draw the nuisance perv (You know the sort - big pink phallus on bad skinned and featureless avatar, owned by person who just wishes to talk dirty! LOL). Public nudity draws them like flys. Roissy has always strived to uphold a level of decency in its IC and OOC roleplay. Let's keep it that way. After all, that is part of the secret of it's success thus far.

2: In the novel 'Story of O', O leaves Le Chateau after her initial training to return to her every day life as a photographer. Did she or the other members of Le Chateau walk around town naked? Nope! Life went on for her as it always had (apart from the submissive awakening in her soul). She went shopping, dining and working clothed! LOL!
So too in the SL Roissy Sims, it is expected that 'normal' life continues outside the walls of Le Chateau, just like in the world of the O of literature. The Community which we now share in Roissy flourishes on this. Friendships blossom on the streets and in the shops and clubs of Roissy and Blackthorne which last and bond. Laughter and sometimes arguments / debates happen, as well as informative discussion and teaching in the lifestyle. In other words, life goes on as it does in real life, which makes for a strong community spirit. That same community spirit has made Roissy the huge success it has become in Secondlife. Long may it continue!



Interview with an Original Sister of O -- Leona Lynch

Interview conducted in Leona's home on January 6, 2009

Leona Lynch was one of the first Sister's of O and she has been in the Sisterhood every since. L has some interesting comments about why she became a Sister, why she has remained in the Sisterhood for so long, and, most importantly, a wish for the future of the Sisterhood and Roissy. Read her comments in her own words

Leona Lynch: Hi Come, take a seat.

Elizabeth Weinberg: This is in Roissy Residential?

Leona Lynch: Yes.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Ready? When did you become a Sister?

Leona Lynch: Wow...right at the sim beginning.

Elizabeth Weinberg: when was that?

Leona Lynch: August 2007 or so.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Have you been a sister throughout this entire period?

Leona Lynch: Yes...

Elizabeth Weinberg: Have a you Master or a Mistress in this time?

Leona Lynch: Yes... I had Mistress Seana... the red haired lady on the picture.

Elizabeth Weinberg: no longer?

Leona Lynch: Formally she still owns me, but she has no time for SL anymore.

Elizabeth Weinberg: I am sorry. You clearly care for her.

Leona Lynch: *sigh* Oh yes, she is very sweet...and we did have such a nice time.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Why did you become a sister?

Leona Lynch: Oww. The Book of O always intrigued me.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Yes, in what way?

Leona Lynch: And since O was a sister herself, this is a close to O as I will ever get.

Elizabeth Weinberg: What appealed to you about the story of O?

Leona Lynch: The whole scene, O's character, the submissiveness of O.

Elizabeth Weinberg: How do you define your submission?

Leona Lynch: She (O) went into submission for the love of her boyfriend as is stated in the book. But really I believe she had a submissive character even without that love.

Elizabeth Weinberg: And what is submission?

Leona Lynch: On the other hand, although she was submissive, she had a lot of power over the men in her life.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Submissives hold power over those they submit to?

Leona Lynch: In a way, yes....

Elizabeth Weinberg: I don't want to misquote you. What is this power?

Leona Lynch: Stephen really honoured O's requests.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Why do you think?

Leona Lynch: O was able to get herself whipped on moments she decided herself.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Yes she did I think. She controlled her submission did she not?

Leona Lynch: To me she did... Which is what you see in most D/S relations.

Elizabeth Weinberg: How has the Sisterhood changed since the beginning of your tenure?

Leona Lynch: In the end it is the sub that set limits and so on....defines the play.. Hmmmm.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Or has it changed?

Leona Lynch: At first we were with about 15...setting all up. Really a tight group that really stayed together.

Elizabeth Weinberg: And now?

Leona Lynch: The group changed in that it became bigger, new girls that operate more stand-alone... Due to the nature of a bigger group, but also the timezone problem.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Is that a positive change or not?

Leona Lynch: The sisterhood now really is divided into smaller groups of people that meet each other regularly, Bad, or good, I don't know... It's more inevitable I guess.

Elizabeth Weinberg: There is some concern that Sisters do not seem to stay in the position long. Do you see this as happening?

Leona Lynch: I see sisters disappear.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Why do you think this is?

Leona Lynch: I do not see them go into another role so often. Aww, the players had their thrill. No more new things for them.. so they move on to another challenge. It is important than you keep on doing new things in Sl.

Elizabeth Weinberg: You have stayed dedicated to the purpose for a decent length of time. Why have you stayed?

Leona Lynch: If not, it's getting a bore in due time.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Can you explain?

Leona Lynch: I like it here.. I like the RP, the appreciation, like the things I do here, and my new jobs around here every now and then. What did you not understand?

Elizabeth Weinberg: You said,"It's getting a bore in due time"

Leona Lynch: If you keep on doing the same thing over and over again.. Then
even SL will start to be boring for you.

Elizabeth Weinberg: It is not boring to you then?

Leona Lynch: Not yet. I meet new friends every day. Keep on doing new things.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Ok is there any thing else you would like to add?

Leona Lynch: Just a wish.

Elizabeth Weinberg: What is that?

Leona Lynch: Roissy is moving on a good path again...we had worse that we were afraid the whole sim would die. We are not there yet. So I hope we can get us to a level again of mutual appreciation and respect, play with each other and have the fun we had back in those mystical beginning days.

Elizabeth Weinberg: Excellent wish. I concur. Love you dear.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Roissy: A Ephemeral Detination of Passion and Pleasure

Let me introduce you the passions and pleasure of Roissy. Roissy is a BDSM community, with an emphasis on community. The people in our community are not ones you meet, speak to perhaps several times and then delete from your list of friends. Roissy people know and care about one another. They work togther as a community of tolerance and acceptance. While (IC)BDSM roleplay is a prominent part of our community, most specifically in the Chateau Library, OCC informal discussions about the various views of the BDSM lifestyle are frequent topics of discussions primarily in the Moulin.

The Roissy sim is loosely based on The STORYof O. The STORY OF O is based on the hugely successful S&M novel that has been read by millions of people worldwide. The author Pauline Reage tells the story of a beautiful young woman known only as 'O' who is taken by her boyfriend Rene to a chateau just outside Paris. There 'O' is trained in bondage and sexual perversion. 'O' is deeply in love with Rene and in order to prove her love she allows herself to be subjected to all kinds of degradation and abuse. Finally, Rene discharges a personal debt by transferring possession of 'O' to his stepbrother, Sir Stephen.which follows the journey of O through her initiation and acceptance of the BDDM lifestyle. The Story of O is a passionate story of submission written for a mature audience.

In the film which was produced in 1975, the director explores the cruel world in which 'O' finds herself. A world of sado-masochism and kinky and bizarre sexual practices. The building are designed to follow the castle where O received her initiation.

This is a mature area for adults only. This is NOT a free sex sim!

This is NOT a formal roleplay sim, i.e. roleplay is NOT mandatory here.However, Le Chateau de Roissy, is created specifically for those who have an appreciation for The Story of O, and a desire to roleplay the theme! Roissy is a sim for people who want to follow the path directed by their passions and pleasures. It is the place where you can follow your desires as long as those desires do not hurt others and as long as those desires conform to the stated rules of the sim.

Within the Chateau where IC (In Character) role play is practiced and respected Mistresses and Masters maintain their dominance over the Sisters of O and the Brothers of O. The Sisters and the Brothers earn their positions through a series of interviews before securing their honored titles and sacred position of service within the Sisterhood and the Broterhood. These submissives are honored and served as the sacred core of Roissy. They are never to be abused or humiliated without their expressed consent. The Sisters and Brothers of O are cared for by specially designated valets.

Like O, the Sisters and the Brothers of O service the needs of the Master and Mistresses who have themselves earned their positions through an interview process to make themselve worthy of their honored titles. Is is their honor to use the services of the Sisters of O and the Brothers of O keeping in mind the dignity of the Sisters and Brothers who dedicate themselves to the service of others.

VIP's are honored guests and are treated with respect and dignity. After careful obervation and soul-serching, a VIP may but is not required to complete an application and complete the interview process to become an honored Master or Mistress of O, A Sister or Brother of O, or a Valet. A VIP Guest may not require the services of a Sister or a Brother. However, a VIP may observe and take part in the frequent discussions that are common both in the Chateau which is designated as an IC area and the Moulin which is designated as an OCC area.

There are rules which must be observed in both areas. No ridicule, sexism, harassment, racism or violence towards another member or guest at Roissy will be tolerated!Reports of any such behaviour will be investigated and may instigate an immediate and permanent ban.

> This is NOT a free sex sim.
> Roissy hard limits ~ NO ageplay, NO bathroom play, NO snuff/dolcett.
> Nudity is NOT permitted in most areas of the sim. However, ladies may be topless in any area of the sim, as that conforms to The Story of O theme. Full nudity IS permitted in Le Chateau de Roissy and private homes only.

> This is a NO Combat sim, that means NO weapons can be used (but can be "worn" as accessories), NO mafia, NO gangs etc.
> This is an "adults only" area, NO child avatars!
> NO Vehicles are permitted.
> NO shouting of offensive or sexual content is permitted.
> NO private selling or advertising of any kind including escorting is permitted.
> Spamming group channels may incur a ban from sim.
> Le Chateau is a designated, IC (in character) roleplay area. Please ensure you read “Introducing Le Chateau de Roissy” before entering.
All of the public areas of Roissy are yours to enjoy, but please respect the privacy of the homes here. If they don't have a sign up that says "Come on in!" assume they are not wanting you to wander through without an invite. In other words, any areas, buildings or rooms with 'locked' gates/doors, you can safely assume are private and not public areas. SO STAY OUT!!
We ban anyone seen to be violating these rules or being disrespectful to the rights of others, including privacy and decency.

Please feel free to look around.

HOMES & LAND FOR RENT======================A choice of either pre-built homes in theme with the sim, or land parcels and mini islands to build your own home!IM Megan Fabre for details.
JOIN OUR GROUP==============Please join our main group for news, information and events at Roissy!Use the search facility and search for our group "Roissy - The Story of O" then just click the JOIN button!!
Whilst anyone may join our group and enter our sim, we will continue to strive for high standards at Roissy. These standards, in part, have been set by our existing members, who possess certain levels of maturity, understanding, manners and decency. Should the owners feel any member does not meet these standards, it may be prudent to ban without warning!!
GRIEFERS========GRIEFERS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE BANNED INSTANTLY!!Should any of our members witness griefers on sim, please IM : Minh Ahn, Marian Wildcat, or Elizabeth Weinberg. If none of these people are online, please notecard the incident, including the full name of the griefer and drop into Minh Ahn's inventory.
Everything you need to know about Roissy, is in this notecard. However, should you have a question, that is not answered here, please refer to the sim owners.
The Owners reserve the right to change these rules, if/when need arises.
Sim OwnersMegan Fabre & Marian Wildcat7th April 2008

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What do I search for through my submission

I was raised in a fundamental home and told it was my duty to live in submission to the men in my life which included my family and the men in my church. I did not like any of these men. The word submission hung in the back of my throat like a gag I could not remove. I never used the word, a word I thought by definition degraded me to a second class object, somewhat less than a human.

I find it ironic then that after years of rebelling against the notion of submission that I should search so frantically for the opportunity to submit. My days I have spent in submission at Roissy have been both painful and irresistible like the irresistible grace Calvin and his Protestants clung to so fiercely. In offering the gift of submission I accepted that symbolic gag that suppressed the rage I felt even I as young girl when I first heard the command to submit.
I surrendered and acknowledged the superiority of another in order to discover the path to total submission to another. That thorny road was filled with tears and loneliness, a struggle with the demons inside me that resisted a giving of myself for another. I have not conquered my will to resist entirely. But the search continues daily

So I come to the question: What do I search for through my submission to another? Perhaps it is the feel of being intertwined with the spirit of another, so close that the other's needs become my own. The closeness of the other next to me in spirit if not in reality is the means of truly knowing myself. The gift I give the other, My Mistress, is in reality the gift my Mistress gives to me. She becomes my purpose, my desire, my sense of self living within the other. Through her I am self-actualized. I know who I am. I am a submissive.